Friday 28 November 2014

Risk assessment - Miss Georgiou

Risk assessment

It is very important  to consider risks before filming because you need to make sure that there are no hazards and if they are you know how to deal with them. If you didn't have a risk assessment then there could be a accident and your group wouldn't know how to deal with it.

The first hazard we could encounter are loose wires. This is could be a risk because someone could trip and seriously hurt themselves from falling. We could stop this issue from being a risk by placing Matt's over the wires on the ground to stop anyone tripping.

The second hazard we could encounter is rainy weather. This is a hazard because we are using electrical which if get wet can electrocute someone. We can stop this from being a hazard by bringing an umbrella to shelter the camera and other equipment. This way the camera cant get wet.

The third hazard we could encounter is darkness. If we stay out too late then we could lose day light. This could be an issue because we would trip over logs or shrubs in the forest. To stop this from being a hazard we are going to bring flash lights to help us see where we are walking.

The fourth hazard we could encounter are sticking out or falling branches. This is a hazard because someone in my group could walk into a branch which could harm them or a dead branch could fall on them. To stop this from being a hazard we will chose a suitable location which is safe enough to film.

The fifth hazard we could encounter is fire. My group are using lighters which can cause a fire if wrongly used. To stop this from being a hazard we are going to bring wet towels with us in case a fire does break out. It someone does get burnt then we will place the burnt area in cold water immediately.

The sixth hazard we could encounter is animals in the forest. Animals could become distressed and scared if we approach them which cause them to become aggressive. To stop this from being a hazard we will not approach a animal if we see one and we will back off if one starts to become aggressive.

The final hazard we could come across is people. People could walk into our scenes if they are curious or confused about what is going on. To stop this from being a hazard we will warn people before that we are filming.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some understanding of what the purpose of a risk assessment is and the table that you have included, also helps to show some group discussions with your group. However, you need to elaborate on the points that you have included on your hazards and preventions, to demonstrate further planning.

    Did you counter any more risks while you were filming?
