Thursday 13 November 2014

Planning characters- Miss Miller

Planning characters

Characters are key in films. Without characters the audience wouldn't be able to build a relationship within the film. When the audience build a relationship with a character it makes them more interested in the narrative and gets them involved in the storyline.

Amy (Ella)

Amy is a typical teenage girl who is very involved in her school work. She has blonde/brown hair and has a very good relationship with the other character Chloe. Amy is the more confident one between the two girls and she is always getting herself in trouble. Amy's character is stereotypical of the thriller genre. You always have girl who is very curious and that always get themselves into trouble. This makes it easier for the antagonist to strike and it also sets up the rest of the film very well. The audience will be able to build a relationship with Amy very easily because she is a young girl who can be seen as venerable in a thriller film. Also her age helps build a relationship because she is very young so the audience feel like they have to nurture and protect her from any harm that might be brought on her. Young females are typical of the thriller genre because it is an easy way to get the audience to build a relationship with the character.

Chloe (Hannah)

 Chloe is a teenage girl who is currently studying at the same school as Amy. She has ginger hair and is quite short. She is very involved in her friendship group and she loves spending time with her best mate Amy. Chloe is the quiet one of the two girls and she is constantly telling Amy off for getting them into trouble. Chloe rather be by herself then in a big group and she doesn't like attention. She is just a innocent girl who wants to get on well in life. Chloe's character is typical of the thriller genre because there is always a sensible character who starts off the quiet and towards the end of the film builds confidence and takes charge. The will audience find it easy to build a relationship with Chloe because she is quiet and small making her look very innocent. The audience will also like it when she starts standing up for herself because they will feel proud about the fact that she wont be scared to get her point across.  Out of the two girls I think that the audience will like Chloe the most because they can relate to her more.

Antagonist (Me)

The antagonist in our opening sequence is a Male who is very tall with brown hair. The anatomist is unidentified and very mysterious. You often see him lurking in the shadows or running amongst the trees. His face is never shown so that it creates the sense of mystery and suspense. He wears dark clothes with a clear stand out white mask which is easily visible for the audience and the victims. Our antagonist is typical of the thriller genre because he is very mysterious and elusive. The audience will find it hard to build a relationship with him because he isn't around a lot and even when he is he is disguised. This will make the audience wary of him and also make them scared of him because they don't know what he is capable of. Overall the antagonist will be key in our opening sequence because he is going to be the one who will make the audience immersed in the film because they will want to find out his true identity.

I think that our characters are very conventional of the thriller genre and I also think that they will emphasis the genre in our opening sequence. Planning the characters has been very helpful in preparation for our filming because it has given us clear ideas on what we want to happen in our opening sequence. Without planning our characters we wouldn't be able to decide how they will be able to build a relationship with the audience.

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a sound recount of your characters, explaining what their backgrounds are and how the audience will be able (or unable) to build a relationship with each of them.

    You need to:
    1) Include pictures of your actors before, and after (in costume)
    2) Make sure you say what costume your victims will wear and how this will help build their representation
    3) Explain how each character is conventional of the genre
