Wednesday 26 November 2014

Individual storyboard- Miss Miller

Individual story board
The purpose of a storyboard is to get a real idea of how you are going to carry out the filming of your opening sequence. It helps you plan your cinematography, camera angles, iconography, editing and the overall narrative of the film.
I am going to make my own storyboard first before making a group one because I want to put my own ideas forward and also to see what parts of my own storyboard my group would like to use in our final storyboard. It will also help my group incorporate everyone's ideas into the sequence which will help make our opening sequence the best it can be. In my storyboard I have included the camera angles I will use, the location, the iconography used, the characters, the editing carried out and the overall description of the specific scenes.  In most of the forest scenes I have gone for low key lighting to try and make the audience fearful of what is going to happen in that certain scene. I am also going to use the reaction shot for scary scenes to show the audience how truly terrified that character is. Both of these techniques are to try and make the relationship between the audience and the characters stronger. I expect the audience to find my sequence really jumpy and mysterious because they wont know who the killer is and also the antagonist in my sequence will be masked and in a black cloak which will make him look really threatening. The main film that inspired my ideas is the shinning. The shinning is famous for its built suspense and also it original camera angles. From watching the shinning I have been able to copy some camera angles and also come up with new ideas of how I can scare the audience. Films like the shinning are really helpful because they help give me ideas to how my group can make my opening sequence the best it can be.

After finishing our individual storyboards my group will need to look at each others storyboards and pick good ideas from each one. After picking out good ideas from each others storyboards we will then need to decide as a group on our final storyboard. This group storyboard will be the final decision on how we want our opening sequence to pan out. From looking at each others ideas we can then chose the best ideas from each to include in our final. This will help make our storyboard the best it can be. We should also help each other by saying what is good about their storyboard and what they should improve on.  

I think that my own storyboard was well thought out and that it had clear thriller conventions. It also has good camera techniques that are typical of the thriller genre. It has an engaging narrative which will keep the audience on the edge of their seats for the whole sequence. It will also create the three thriller conventions: Shock, Suspense and surprise. I feel that my group will take a few ideas from my storyboard because they are creative and effective.

I have found this very helpful because it has given me ideas to take forward to the group narrative which are going to help make my opening sequence even better. Without doing the individual storyboards we wouldn't be able to compare our ideas which means that any good ideas that someone in my group thought of could be lost.

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a basic analysis of your storyboard, explaining a couple of ideas to an extent, as well as mentioning where some ideas were taken from.

    You need to:
    1) Pick THREE different examples to PEER analyse
    2) Give THREE different films that you took inspirations from, explaining why
    3) Elaborate on why you feel this is a successful and conventional sequence.
