Friday 7 November 2014

Group Planning- Miss Georgiou

Group planning

In my group I have Hannah Hobbs and Ella Sawtell. My group are going to have group meetings to keep each other update with what we are all supposed to do. Meetings are essential because we need to keep each other up to date with what we are doing and we can also swap ideas that we have thought of. Group meetings can also let all of us pick the best ideas that have been put forward so that our opening sequence be the best it possibly can.

Our first group meeting consisted of discussing our first narrative ideas. All of us swapped our ideas and discussed the advantages and disadvantages of each others post.  We also told each other how we came up with our ideas and our inspirations behind them. This was very useful because it helped us come up with our final narrative and it also helped us think on new ideas for our narrative.

We wrote all of our ideas onto a A3. My group and I discussed our ideas which included the miss en scene, cinematography, soundtrack, editing, target audience, research carried out, thriller conventions and character representations.

In our next meeting we spoke about sound. We spoke about non diegetic sound, diegetic sound and parallel sound. We chose to include these three sound techniques because there are very conventional of the thriller genre. sound is key in thriller films because it is the easiest way to build tension and also add effect to that scene. We chose to use diegetic sound in the from of rustling leaves and the wind. This makes the scene really eerie because it will be so quite that all the audience can hear the quiet murmur of the wind. We also decided to use non diegetic sound by playing music in the background and also screams. The screams will be heard by the characters in the scene but the characters wont be able to see where the screams are coming from. This adds real tension to the scene because the audience will be on the edge of their seats because they will want to know who is screaming. Finally we will use parallel sound in the form of a heartbeat. The heartbeat will increase in speed when one of the girls first spots the anatomist. This will show the audience that the character is truly scared for their life which will in turn make the audience feel sorry for with them. All of these sound techniques are conventional to the thriller genre because they are all used to create tension on the audience.

In the meeting after we discussed mise en scene which is everything within the scene. Mise en scene includes lighting, colour, costume, iconography and characters. For our location we have chosen to base our location in a forest because it is quiet and isolated. It portrays a conventional thriller location. The location will make it easy to build tension and scare the audience into thinking the characters are truly in danger. The forest location will also make it easy to scare the audience because they will know that anything could be lurking beneath the depths of the trees. We have used two female characters because they are conventional of the thriller genre because females are more venerable and the audience also find it easier to build a relationship with them. The girls are also young (aged 16) so this will make the audience feel very protective of them because they know that the girls are too young to protect themselves. We will use a knife as our iconography because it is the most conventional thriller weapon.

In our fourth meeting we discussed editing styles. We looked through the lesson that we had on editing styles and we pulled out editing techniques that were conventional to the thriller genre. After looking through the lesson we pulled out high angled shot, low angled shot, jump cut, montage editing. We chose these 4 editing techniques because they build tension on the audience and they are also very conventional to the thriller genre.

In the next meeting we discussed characters. We talked about what they will look like, there age and their overall background. We did this to make sure we were completely sure we knew how the characters were going to fit into out film.

Overall I think that group meeting is a good idea because it keeps everyone up to date with what's going on and it also helps us think of ideas to use within our thriller sequence. We can then expand ideas so that we can pick the best ideas possible to add to certain scenes. Without having group meetings, one member could be left behind because they might not know what we are doing.

Date MeetingWhat We Discussed and AchievedBy WhoDiscussions
17/10/20141   Ideas & Plan our intial Group NarrativeAll Discussed ideas for narrative on a group mindmap.
24/10/20142   Ideas and Planning for CinematographyAll Mindmapped & finalized Cinematography on A3 paper.
06/11/20143   Ideas and Planning for SoundAll Mindmapped & finalized Sound on A3 paper.
07/11/20144   Ideas and Planning for Editing StylesAll Mindmapped & finalized Editing Styles on A3 paper.
07/11/20145   Ideas and Planning for Opening CreditsIndividual Planned Individually our Opening Credits
13/11/20146   Ideas and Planning for CharactersAll Mindmapped & finalized Characters on A3 paper.
14/11/20147   Planning and Finalising Group Storyboard All Mindmapped & finalized Storyborard on 5xA4 paper.
17/11/20148   Planning and Finalising Filming Schedule All Planned our Schedule on Edexcel to follow.
23/11/20149   Planning Risk Assessment All Planned our Risks to avoid them during filming.
01/12/201410   Filming our Opening Thriller SequenceAll Took into account all of our planning & filmed sequence

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some evidence of group planning that has been carried out. You have made a start in describing what you and your group discussed, however, you need to link these points back to your planning points. This will enable you to draw upon further examples, to support the points that you have made.

    You also need to ensure that you meetings table is completed, as you have some dates and tasks that are missing. These include, editing, soundtrack, credits, rough cut, etc
