Monday 17 November 2014

Planning opening credits- Miss Georgiou

Planning opening sequence 

The purpose of opening credits is to establish the theme of a thriller and also to introduce the main characters in the film. An opening credit also indicates the mood of a film and it also provides the title. Without the opening credits the audience wouldn't know what actors are in the film and also what genre the film is.

We looked at examples of credits and we looked closely at Sevens credits. These credits were very dark and gloomy. It started off with names of the most famous characters first and then it gave us the name of the director and producers. There is a black and white theme in the credits which is a clear indication of good and evil. The size of the writing was very small and jagged. The font changed throughout the credits which shows the emotion of the character who is shown on the screen is changing. The font used is conventional of a thriller film because it is small and the colour of it is black. The font flickers as well indicating that the man on screen is mentally unstable.

My opening credits takes the form of blood flowing down the page from corner to corner. At the end of the credits there is a puddle of blood with the name of our film above it (Obscurity). It is very conventional of the thriller genre because blood is known as being linked with death and harm. My title is going in the centre of the page to draw the attention of the audience towards it and also to make it bold and protruding. The colour of my font will be red which is very conventional of the thriller genre because red links to blood and murder. My background is black is to show death which again is conventional to the thriller genre.
(Insert pic of Credits here)

Hannah has gone for the same style of credits as me with the blood effect. This is a very good effect because it portrays the thriller genre very well. Hannah's design contains three colours black, red and white. These colours are conventional to the thriller genre because they can represent danger and death. I think that the use of these colours is a good idea because it links into the film very well.

However on disadvantage of Hannah's opening credits is it is a bit too fast and it wouldn't link cleanly into the rest of our opening sequence. This is the only disadvantage I have with Hannah's opening credits.  

Ella's opening credits have the same colours as Hannah's. Again I think this is a good idea because the dark colours like black and red can represent the antagonist and the lighter colours like white can represent the protagonist because white represents purity and innocence.  
The disadvantage of Ella's opening credits is there isn't a smooth transaction into the first clip. This would be a problem because it will stop our opening sequence from flowing.

Overall all of our opening scene credits are very similar in style and colour. This has made it easy to pick our final opening scene credits as a group. The final style will include white and black colours to indicate innocence and death and it will smoothly link into the first scene. Looking at each others posts have been really helpful because we can each take advantages and disadvantages from each others work. This will help make our opening credits the best they can be.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates a basic understanding of what the purpose of credits are and this is because you have not fully explored the examples of Se7en in enough detail. Therefore, you need to refer back to your notes and re analyse the sequence again.

    You have made a start in explaining your choices and decisions for your own design, but you need to ensure that you have included the image, to support the point that you have made.

    Finally you need to include evidence of your group's designs with examples, to show evidence of group planning that has been taken. You also need to explain what the final style will be and also what the credits will say and where they will appear.
