Wednesday 5 November 2014

Planning cinematography - Miss Miller

Planning cinematography

Cinematography is really key in films because it shows the audience the characters emotions and highlights what is occurring in that specific scene. Without camera angles, the audience wouldn't be able to understand the emotions that the characters are showing. It also wouldn't look right if a film had no clear camera angles or shots. 

Panning shot

We are going to use this angle to show the depth and eeriness of the forest. In the scene where we use this camera angle, the audience will be able to see a dark figure lurking in the background. This camera angle will clearly show the structure of the figure and the audience will be able to clearly see what he is wearing. However his face is never shown. This is to build a relationship between the figure and the audience by making the audience fearful of this dark figure. This way the audience get dragged into the plot more because they want to find out his true identity. This camera angle is commonly used in thriller films to show the location of a place. This way the audience get a good idea of where they are.
Long shot
 This camera angle is going to be used when Ella and Hannah are walking through the forest and they notice that someone is following them. This angle is going to be used in this scene because it will show their body language clearly which will indicate to the audience how the characters are feeling. This will build a relationship between the audience and the characters because the audience will be able to see how venerable the characters are. This camera angle is very conventional to they thriller genre because it is normally used in chase scenes to show the direction that the victim or antagonist are heading.
Point of view

This camera angle is going to be used when Ella and Hannah start to hear whistling. It shows the girls looking round but seeing nothing. When this angle is used we will be able to see Hannah's and Ella's facial expressions. This will then indicate to the audience that they are feeling scared and alone. It also shows what they can see. The audience are placed in their shoes and they can experience what they are seeing through the characters point of view. The makes the audience really involved in that specific scene because they feel like they are really there and that they are experiencing what is happening. This builds relationship between the audience and the characters because the audience can relate to what there going through. This camera angle is conventional to the thriller genre because it is commonly used in chase scenes to show what its like to be the character.
High angle

This angle is going to be used when the two girls are walking through the forest. Its going to show Ella and Hannah walking down the forest path in the middle of the day. We will pull off this camera angle by myself sitting in a tree to get the highest shot possible. This camera angle is going to be used to make the two protagonists look small and helpless in a massive forest. It is also used to make it look like someone is watching them. The audience in this scene will be curious of who is watching them from above and they will also feel worried for the two protagonists because they look so small and venerable from that height. This camera angle is conventional to the thriller genre and is normally used to make victim look small and scared and also to make antagonists look big and powerful.

Shallow focus
This camera angle is used when Hannah and Ella are running round the forest. The camera then suddenly zooms in on a dark figure. It shows what the antagonist is wearing but it doesn't show his face. The antagonists face if blurred and out of focus. This camera angle will make the audience question the true identity of the antagonist. This will draw them Into the film because they will want to find out who he really is. This will build a relationship between the audience and the antagonist. This camera angle is conventional to a thriller film because it is used to hide a villains identity.

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a sound analysis of the cinematography you intend to use within your sequence, explaining what they should create

    You need to:
    1) Make sure you double check your explanations - POV, you won't be able to see their expressions if you are in their shoes!
    2)Make sure you explain how they are conventional of the thriller genre
    3) Explain how the audience will be able to build a relationship with characters involved as a result
    4) Include a conclusion explaining how planning has been helpful in preparation for filming and how these techniques will help create a conventional sequence
