Thursday 16 October 2014

Research into target audience- Miss Miller

Research into target audience

I carried out some research to find out what people expect to see in thriller films. I asked 40 people so that my questionnaire would have a wide variety of people. From looking at my final results I will be able to make my opening sequence based around the answers people gave me.

This pie chart is based on the ages of people who have answered the questionnaire. This is one of my questions because I need an idea of what age certificate my opening sequence should be. This also helps me find out what kind of thriller films people of different ages like. From this pie chart you can see that the majority of people (43%) I asked were ages 16-20. 22% of people I asked were 12-15 and 13 % of people I asked were 30 plus. The lowest percentage was 21-30 with 10%. From these results I can know look to aim my thriller film towards people ages 16-20 because they are the ones who are most interested in this type of genre.

This pie chart is based on the gender. Over half the people I asked to answer my questionnaire were male with 58% of them being male. Just below that figure were females with 42%. This was one of my questions in my questionnaire because it shows me if what males and females like to see in thriller films.

This pie chart is based on peoples opinions of thriller films. It shows in percentages how many people do like thriller films and how many don't. From looking at the results you can see that 82% of people do like thriller films and only 18% don't like thriller films. For me looking at these results I can see that people do like thriller films and that I have a large target audience that will like to watch my opening sequence.

This pie chart is asking people what kind of music people like to hear in thriller films. The pie chart shows that 37% of people I asked like tense music, 27% like eerie music and 18% like slow and fast music. These results will help me chose what music I will use in my opening sequence. Without asking this question and getting the results I wouldn't be able to decide what music to use in my thriller sequence because I wouldn't know what people prefer most. I will include tense music and eerie music in my clip because they are most popular in my results. I have also chosen two kinds of music to use because my clip needs tense scenes and also eerie scenes to really drag the audience into the clip. 
This pie chart is showing if people like a identified killer or a non identified killer. From looking at these results you can see that 53% of people don't like a identified killer and 47% of people do like an identified killer. These set of results is key to my thriller clip because the killer is one of the main characters in a thriller film. After some thinking I will use a non identified killer in my opening sequence because it leave the audience thinking who is it.
This pie chart is showing what peoples favourite thriller setting is. From looking at these results you can see that 33% of people like an isolated house, 32% like a haunted house, 22% like a forest setting and 13% of people like an abandoned building. This is another important question because the setting of a thriller film is key. From looking at these results I have chosen an isolated setting because it makes the audience tense because they aren't familiar with the surroundings.

This pie is showing whether or not the person answering the questionnaire thinks that a female victim works well or not or even sometimes. From looking at these result you can see that 77% of people said they do think a female victim works well, 20% said they don't and 3% said sometimes a female victim works well. In my opinion I think that a female victim is vital to attach the audience to the film because females are more helpless and innocent.

This pie chart is showing what people like about thriller films. From looking at the pie chart you can see that 40% like that thriller films create suspense, 35% like the narrative and 35% like the iconography. I agree with the pie chart as I like the fact that thriller films create suspense. Without suspense, thriller films wouldn't be as appealing.

This pie chart is showing what conventions people like and why. From looking at thee pie chart you can see that 37% of people like the music in thriller films, 33% like the scene and 30% like the female victim. This pie chart is a good indicator to me and my group what conventions we should use.

This final pie chart is showing what weapons people think work well and why. From looking at the pie chart you can see that 68% of people think that the knife works well in thriller films, 22% think that a gun works well and 10% think that an axe works well. I have decided to use a knife in my thriller sequence because it is a clear indication to the audience that the killer is dangerous.

I found all of the research I carried out very useful. It has given me ideas to help me make my opening thriller sequence. The two things I found especially useful is the favourite thriller setting question and the question whether on not you like an identified killer or not. These two questions have helped me make a decision on what kind of location im going to use and whether or not my killer is going to be identified. With these two things sorted I can now go on to put the rest of my sequence together. Without using the questionaire and pie charts I wouldnt be able to make my thriller sequence suitable to the public because I wouldnt know what things the public like. If I was to carry out this research again I would go into more detail on the type of questions I asked. This is because I would like to find out why that specific person might like that convention or technique. I would also ask questions like what film do you prefer and then give them a choice of a couple of films. I would do this to see what kind of films they like.


Closed questions:
1.Whats your age?
2.Whats your gender?
3.Do you like thriller films?
4.What music do you like in a thriller?
5.Do you like the killer to be identified or not?
6.What is your favorite thriller setting?
(haunted house)
(abandoned building)
(isolated place)
7.Do you think the female victim works well?
Open questions:
1.What do you like about thriller films?
(public answer)
2.What conventions do you like? Why?
(public answer)
                3. What weapons do you think work well? Why?
(public answer)


  1. You have provided a basic analysis of your results, explaining what the results show, but not going into enough detail on what you will include within your thriller as a result.

    You need to:
    1) Make sure you explain what you will include (give examples) within your sequence because of your results
    2) Include your vox pops and a paragraph on why you made vox pops of your questionnaire - qualitative data
    3) Fully explain what your results mean in terms of what you will include within your sequence
    4) Double check spelling etc.

  2. You have given some examples of what you might include within your sequence in relation to your results, however, you are still missing a paragraph on vox pops and the vox pops themselves.
