Friday 10 October 2014

Opening sequence analysis - Miss Georgiou

Opening sequence
A opening sequence is used to engage the audience straight away when the film starts. It grabs there attention and pulls them into the story line. It is also used to set the scene and to inform the audience about what is happening. Without the opening sequence the audience wouldn't know what the storyline is and they wouldn't understand what is happening. The clip I will be analysing is the opening sequence from Halloween.

Deep focus was one of the first techniques I noticed at the start of Halloween. This was shown when the background was blurry and the camera was only focusing on the knife. This brings attention to the knife and it makes the audience wonder what it is going to be used for. This makes the audience curious because they want to know who has the knife and what are there intentions with it. Other cinematography techniques were used in this clip as well. High angle was used at the end of the sequence.. This was used when the boy walks out the house and is spotted by the two adults. Zoom out is also used on this same bit of sequence. Booth of these techniques are used to clearly show the audience who the killer is and it also creates the scene for the rest of the film.
A wipe technique is used at the beginning of the scene to introduce the house setting and to introduce the location. Slow editing is also used in this scene. This is shown when the antagonist is looking through the windows outside the house. This creates suspense because the audience don't know who is looking through the windows and they don't know If that character is dangerous. Timing of shots was the final editing technique which was used. This is clear when the antagonist is running down the stairs. This indicates to the audience that the killer is trying to exit the house quickly before anyone notices they were there.

Non diegetic sound effects were used before the opening sequence even started. These non diegetic sounds children singing about Halloween. This creates a tense atmosphere because the singing is very eerie and creepy. There is also a distorted piano effect as well. Silence is also a key in this clip. This is clear when the camera is panning at the beginning of the clip and also zooming in around the room. This creates suspense because its making the audience anticipate something happening to the protagonists inside.

Two popular thriller conventions were used in this opening clip. The first one was iconography. A knife is shown for most of the clip. This creates suspense and indicates power for the antagonist because he is armed and he is very dangerous. This makes the audience feel anxious for the people inside the building because there is a killer right on there door step. The second convention used was a isolated house. The murder house is set in a quiet suburban area with no one around. This is a typical thriller setting because the killer doesn't have to worry about anyone catching them in the act. The isolated setting is used to add tension and also fear.

The villain in the opening sequence has a hidden identity because they are wearing a mask so the audience cant see there real identity. This creates enigma and suspense. This technique is also conventional to a thriller because the villain usually has a mask to hide there true identity. This keeps the audience engaged because they want to find out who the antagonist is . Also when the killer enters the room the victim recognises them. This shows that they could have some sort of relationship with them because they know who they are.

The narrative is based on Halloween night which is a very typical  night to have a thriller film. This is because it has an element of mystery and enigma to it. It also has the key features of a thriller film to it : Shock, Suspense and surprise. These three techniques are key to thriller films because without them you cant make a thriller film scary.

This analysis will help me with my opening sequence because it has given ideas and it has also shown me typical techniques to use for a thriller film. With these new ideas I can then go on and improve my opening sequence. 


1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates a proficient understanding of what an opening sequence is and what the sequence should contain. You have made a start in considering the main micro elements that were evident in the sequence, but further explanation of the example is needed. This can be achieved, by explaining the effect that is created and the role it has on the audience. You have considered the codes and conventions of a thriller, but this needs to be incorporated within your explanations.

    You also need to aim to include further examples for each point and this is because there were more examples in the sequence and these need to be included too. Finally aim to expand on your summary, by explaining what you ideas and inspirations are in more detail.
