Wednesday 8 October 2014

Inspirations- Miss Georgiou


To get ideas from existing products and to understand what has previously worked or not worked. This is to create a successful product. We can take ideas from existing products already like thriller films. I have taken inspiration from other thriller films like insidious and the strangers.  I have also taken inspiration from the genre of the films as well. I have looked at and taken inspiration from aspects such as sound, cinematography, miss en scene, conventions of a thriller, history of thriller films and research to do with the BBFC age ratings. I have used clips from films like Insidious, The shinning, the woman in black and seven.

Research into BBFC

The first post I made was research into the BBFC. In this post I looked at age ratings and how they can be applied to certain films. I have taken inspirations from this post because it helps me decide what age ratings will be suitable for my thriller sequence when I make it. In the post I went into a lot of detail and I also found information about certain films and how the age ratings have been applied to them. Age restrictions indicate what content may be incorporated into the film. For example "Toy story" is a family friendly film so it can be placed in the PG category whereas "dead snow" is a violent film with a lot of gore and bad language so it is placed in the 18 category.

Research into mise-en-scene

In this post we looked at the setting and iconography, costume, hair, make up, facial expressions, body language, lighting and colour used in films. All of these together make us miss-en-scene.  Each of these conventions have also inspired and helped me to plan my opening sequence. Setting and iconography has shown helped me chose a forest location because it is dark and eerie. It also showed me that the knife was the best weapon for the antagonist to carry because it is conventional to the thriller genre. Costume, hair and make up helped me come up with the appearance of my antagonist. We eventually can to the conclusion of having a dark cloak and white mask to add emphasis on the killers face. Colour also helped us with this because from researching typical thriller film colour we found that black and white are the two main colours used in thriller films.
The main camera angles that we are going to use in our film are panning, close up, longshot, zooming in and zooming out. We have come to the conclusion of using these camera angles from researching about them in our research into cinematography post. In that post we looked at different films and how they incorporated various camera angles into their film. The main film I was looking at was insidious. This is the film that has given me ideas to use camera angles like panning, over shoulder shot and close up because they are used really well within jump scenes and they are also conventional to the thriller genre. I will take these ideas into my opening sequence and make them my own to make my film the best it can be.
Soundtrack is key in thriller films because it builds suspense which keep the audience on the edge of their seat. I have looked at other thriller films to try and see what type of sounds work best with the thriller genre. After doing this I have chose diegetic sound, non diegetic sound and parallel sound to use in my opening sequence. I have chosen these three sound techniques because they work well within thriller films and they are also conventional to the thriller genre. I researched about sound by watching the film "Woman in black".  The woman in black has a lot of jumpy scenes in it so it had lots of different sound techniques to try and build tension leading up to them. In scenes like when the man first meets the woman in black there is clear non diegetic in the background slowly getting louder and louder. This has given me ideas to use in my opening sequence to try and make my film scarier and more conventional to the thriller genre.    

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some understanding of why inspiration is essential to consider, before creating a product. You have made a start in considering the various micro elements that have inspired you into creating your own thriller sequence.

    However, you need to be more specific with the micro elements that have inspired you, by focusing more on your sequence and how you have decided to film things in a certain way. This will enable your analysis to be more structured. This can be achieved by elaborating on the points that you have made and by discussing where this will be evident in the sequence and the effect that is created.

    Also aim to include images to support the points that you have made.
