Sunday 4 January 2015

Rough cut- Miss georgiou

Rough cut
Audience feedback is key to a production because it helps tell the makers of the film what was good about their film and also what wasn't so good. This helps the production team then go on and change things if they can or take on board the comments for any future films that they will make. Without audience feedback, production company's wouldn't know how they can improve their films so they would just carry on making the same type of films.

How we received feedback

We received our audience feedback in the form of YouTube, questionnaires and fellow classmates watching our thriller sequence. The public could see our thriller sequence on YouTube and then  comment on it or like it underneath. We could then see the comments and discuss, as a group, what we were going to change about our rough cut for our final sequence. This was very helpful because it helped us decide what we needed to change about our rough cut to make it the best it could possibly be. We also used questionnaires to see what the general public and family thought we should include in our thriller sequence. This broadened our minds to what we could fit into our film and how we could use it. Finally, other classmates watched our rough cut and then told us what was good about it and what we could improve. This helped us because we took into consideration their comments and we were also given the opportunity to watch their rough cuts so we could see how our sequence fared against theirs.


I thought that the use of lighting was very good because it created real tension on the audience. Also, I liked the fact that the antagonist was masked because it made the audience wonder who was really under there. Overall I really enjoyed the film because it had the elements of mystery and suspense to it. One thing I would improve is the lighting in some scenes. Certain scenes within the sequence are a bit too dark to see so this could perhaps be something to change.- Sue Longshaw

The editing is really good, the transitions and filters used are effective when trying to build suspense. An improvement could be to carry out the footsteps for longer to build anticipation.-Molly Emmerson

To the left and above you can see some other comments about our rough cut but some of these comments are from YouTube.

Changes we will make

From looking at the comments I have seen some opportunities to try and improve our sequence. The first thing we should change is the length of the credits which was pulled up by Bettie Cooper. Our credits are a bit too short so I think that this an important issue to change for our final sequence. Another problem is the lighting in some scenes which was spotted by Sue Longshaw. Some scenes are a bit too dark to see which can affect the audiences viewing. This is another thing we should change to make our final sequence better. The final improvement is making the footsteps sound in the background last longer to try and build more anticipation. This idea was given to us by Molly Emmerson. This idea will help involve the audience more and it will keep them on the edge of their seats.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some understanding of what a rough cut is and the purpose of audience feedback. You have made a start in including some of the comments that you received, however, you have not reflected on the comments, by discussing how they made you feel.

    You also need to reflect on your comments more, by discussing what changes you will make to your final product in more detail, by explaining what you are going to do next
