Sunday 7 December 2014

Filming schedule- Miss Georgiou

Filming schedule
It is important to have a filming schedule because everyone needs to know what is happening and it also keeps everyone organised. It also tells other members in our group where and when we are filming which helps them prepare for that specific day. This also makes people in our group make those filming days available so that they don't plan other activities for that day.  
We started off following the filming schedule but overtime we had to change certain things. The first day we filmed it was already dark and we couldn't see the two characters very well on the camera.  This problem meant that we had to do all the scenes we did that day again. This was the first reason for not following the schedule. The second reason for not following the filming schedule was the weather. We noticed when reviewing our scenes that one day we rainy and another one was sunny and clear. We had to change this because it was obvious that the two scenes were filmed on different days even know they were supposed to be on the same day. These two things were the main reasons for not following our film schedule. We had to change the schedule for the greater good of the film and to also make it safer to film. If we would of carried on filming in the dark then the risks associated with filming could have increased.

Having a filming schedule is very helpful because it keeps everyone organised and it makes sure that no one has plans for that specific day. It also helps us plan for that day so that we don't become disorganised or become behind on work.


  1. This post demonstrates a basic understanding of what a filming schedule is and the purpose that it has to a production and this is because you have not fully explored the purpose of the schedule in enough detail.

    Therefore, you need to refer back to the lesson, which will help you with developing this post more.

  2. Aim to include the correct filming schedule table within this post, which demonstrates the times, dates, locations, etc of the scenes that you are filming.
