Sunday 22 February 2015

Evaluation- Question 7

Question 7

The purpose of my preliminary task was to learn how to use the equipment and also how to perform different camera angles which we would like to use within our thriller sequence. Before making this thriller sequence, I had never used a tripod before so I had to get used to how it works and how I could use it to the best of its abilities.

From the preliminary task the main things I have learnt are: How to use a camera properly, How to use a tripod and also how to perform professional looking camera angles. The preliminary task was very helpful because we were shown by our teacher before filming how to construct some basic camera angles like panning, over shoulder shot and point of view shot. We also learnt that a tripod was essential if you want the best footage possible. We found this out before hand when we were trying to film by taking the camera off the tripod and just holding it ourselves. This was a bad idea as the footage was very shaky which made in turn made for bad quality of film. Another lesson we learnt was that the position of the tripod is crucial. If the tripod was on uneven ground then the footage could become very shaky or tilted. As a group we had to come up with a solution to what we would do if we would come across this problem when filming our actual thriller. We came up with the idea of placing objects under the tripod to make all the sides of it even. This was a good idea and it helped us a lot because we actually did come this problem was filming our thriller sequence.
One skill I learnt from the preliminary task was how to use a camera and achieve the best footage possible. I did this by looking back at the screen on the camera after each scene to see if there was anything I could improve on to make the footage better. I think that this skill has helped improve my work a lot because I kept filming the same shot over and over again until I was happy that it was the best footage possible. The most important thing I have learnt though is how to work well in a team. This process was all about team work and how certain people have their individual roles. Progressing from the preliminary task to the end result I think that my group has grown in confidence and I think that we have worked well as a team. The preliminary task was so helpful and I think that life would have been a lot harder if we were not shown how to use the equipment and camera angles before hand.

Evaluation- Question 6


Evaluation- Question 5


Evaluation- Question 4


Wednesday 18 February 2015

Evaluation post- Question 2

Question 2

In our thriller sequence we have 3 main characters. We have the two young girls and the Male antagonist. We wanted to use two innocent and young girls In our thriller sequence because it is very stereotypical of the thriller genre. If you look at the main blockbuster thriller films you will notice that nearly all the protagonists are Female. This is clear in films like "Scream" and "The strangers". Directors use this technique because the audience can sympathise and relate more to  female victim. Females are also looked upon as being fragile and weak which in turn makes the audience feel like they need protecting. This trait also makes them more venerable especially when the antagonist is on the loose.  I think that these two characters will appeal to the audience because they will be shown in a child like manor which will make the audience very protective of them. This in turn will create a bond between the audience and the two young girls shown in the film.

The other character is our sequence is the Male antagonist. We wanted to make our antagonist Male because the Male sex is the more dominant of the two which in turn makes our antagonist more threatening to the audience. We also made our antagonist wear a mask to try and hide his true identity from the audience. Our main aim though was to make our antagonist work alone. We found that by having him work alone it made him more distant from the audience. This made the audience more wary of him because they didn't know where he could pop up next. We used this technique to try and break the bond between the antagonist and the audience. If there is no bond then the audience will start to fear the antagonist because they don't know anything about him. We got this idea from watching "Halloween". In "Halloween" the  antagonist is always masked ad you never see his true identity. This helps build tension and it also adds to the fear factor of the film.

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Evaluation post- Question 1

Question 1

Genetic conventions for a thriller film can be anything from low key lighting to diegetic sound. In our thriller sequence we tried to use as many thriller conventions as possible. To do this we watched a number of famous thriller films to try and gain ideas for us to then use within our own sequence. One of the films we watched was "The woman in black". From watching this film we gained the idea to use low key lighting within our thriller. In the film "The woman in black" there are a number of dark scenes where visibility is minimal. This effect created tension on the audience because the audience didn't know what could be lurking beneath the darkness. We took this idea and then used it in a scene just before our antagonist is first spotted. Like in the woman in black this created tension on our audience because they knew that the antagonist was hidden beneath the shadows.

Another thriller film we looked at was "The shining". From looking at this film we noticed that diegetic sound was often used in jumpy scenes. We noticed that this technique also added tension on the audience so we chose to add this into our thriller sequence. Before adding it to our main thriller sequence though, we first used it in our rough cut to see if it would work as well for us as it did for "The shining". After watching it back a few times we came to the conclusion that it fitted into our thriller film very well. Looking back at it now I would say that it was one of the best ideas we have used because of the way it draws the audience into the film and keeps them there for the build up to a jumpy scene.

The third film we watched was "Insidious". "Insidious" is the most recent film made out of the three and was named the scariest film of the year. Most of this is down to the tension music that can be heard throughout the film. This tension music sent shivers down the spine of the audience watching the film, making it sometimes unbearable to listen to. From noticing this technique, we pounced upon the opportunity to use it within our thriller sequence. We found a perfect sound to constantly play while the thriller sequence was taking place. We made it so that in some scenes you could hear it but in other scenes it was barely noticeable but still playing. We wanted to use this technique to try and replicate the effect it had on the audience in "Insidious".

Overall I feel like our opening thriller sequence is clearly linked to the thriller genre. This is down to us using the conventional thriller techniques that you would expect to find within a thriller film. We have used conventional thriller techniques like low key lighting, Diegetic sound, tension music, montage shots, shadows and different camera angles to try and make sure that our thriller sequence stays true to the thriller genre.